Thursday, May 17, 2018

Fear of the Dentist?

Do you have a fear of the dentist? Sedation may be for you.  “At Paducah Dental Care we want our patients to have the best dental experience possible which is why we offer FREE sedation,” states Dr. William Walden.   

Adults who have these symptoms when visiting the dentist may benefit from sedation:
High fear of visiting the dentist
Past traumatic dental experience that has caused fear
Complications or difficulty numbing your mouth
Easily gagging
Highly sensitive teeth
Complex dental issues that require lengthy appointments
Disliking of needles, shots, and the atmosphere associated with a dental office
Afraid or embarrassed about their teeth

What Will I Feel?
You will not feel any discomfort or pain during the treatment. You will receive just enough sedation that you will be completely unaware of the treatment and feel like you are asleep. You may remember very little of the treatment, but most patients remember nothing of their visit.

Is Sedation Safe?
Yes! We will review your medical history before starting a treatment and monitor you closely while under sedation. Though many patients feel fine after the treatment, we require that you have someone drive you home.

What Medication is Used in Sedation?
We have two sedation options: Oral sedation and IV sedation.

Oral Sedation 
We will prescribe you a pill to take one hour before your appointment. We require that you have someone drop you off and take you home after your appointment. Once you arrive at our office, you will be awake, but feel very relaxed. Your vital signs will be monitored during your appointment, and you will feel fine by the end of your visit. We advise you not to operate a vehicle 24 hours after receiving sedation and take the rest of the day off from work to rest and relax.

IV Sedation 
We recommend you do not eat or drink anything 8 hours before your appointment. Before your appointment, we will ask you several health questions, such as your health history and any medication you are currently taking. We will ensure that the sedation will not interact with your medications and if necessary, we will consult with your physician.

Once you arrive, you will be given sedation through a very small needle inserted into a vein in your hand or arm. This sedation works very quickly. We will monitor your vital signs during your entire appointment. The advantage of IV sedation is that your dentist can control the amount of medicine given and decrease or increase your comfort as needed. You will be very relaxed during your appointment and will remember very little or nothing at all. The sedation begins to wear off quickly and most patients are alert once the medication is stopped. We require that someone drive you home and advise you not to drive a vehicle for 24 hours after given IV sedation.

                                                Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more! 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

10 Foods That Are Good For Your Mouth

Your diet is key to a healthy mouth. Here are 10 foods that are great for your dental hygiene!

1. Milk 

Milk is great for your teeth! It’s rich in calcium for strong bones and teeth. Plus, it lowers acid levels in your mouth which helps fight against tooth decay.

2. Cheese 

Like milk, cheese is filled with calcium. It also has proteins and nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel. Did you know by chewing cheese, saliva is produced in your mouth which raises your pH levels and lowers your risk of tooth decay? Smile and say “cheese” for a healthy mouth!

3. Green Tea 

Tea is rich in fluoride, an important component for healthy teeth. Green tea, in particular, has polyphenols that reduce bacteria in your mouth. It’s best to drink your green tea unsweetened to avoid harsh sugars.

4. Raisins 

Did you know raisins are filled with the same polyphenols as grapes? They are also high in fiber and contain oleanolic acid that fights against certain plaque bacteria!

5. Water 

We all know drinking water is important, but do you know how it benefits your mouth? Water flushes away food particles and keeps your saliva levels high. It’s important to maintain high levels of saliva to avoid tooth decay. Plus, water has no calories or sugar and keeps you hydrated and healthy.

6. Leafy Greens

Eat your greens! Leafy greens are rich in calcium, folic acid, vitamins and minerals that keep your mouth healthy.

7. Fish 

Fish are rich in minerals and vitamins, especially Vitamin D, which boosts your body’s mineral density and helps your body absorb calcium.

8. Nuts 

Did you know nuts fight against bacteria in your mouth? Plus, nuts are filled with calcium and phosphorus. When choosing a type of nut, almonds, Brazil nuts, and cashews are especially good for fighting bacteria in your mouth.

9. Carrots 

You probably knew carrots are great for your eyes, but did you know they are also beneficial for your teeth? Carrots are crunchy and have lots of fiber that increases the saliva in your mouth and reduces your risk of cavities. They are a great source of Vitamin A and easy to throw into a salad or add to any meal.

10. Apples 

An apple a day keeps the dentist away! While you still need to see your dentist for a regular check up, apples are filled with key nutrients and vitamins to keep your mouth healthy. Eating apples also produces saliva to rid any unwanted bacteria and food particles from your mouth.

Keep in mind the basics of dental care after eating any type of food. It’s always a good idea to brush your teeth after eating to flush out any excess food particles, sugars and acids. If you cannot brush your teeth after eating, chew gum or drink water until you can brush and floss.

                                             Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more! 

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Popular Dental Myths

We’re setting the record straight on these popular dental myths.

My teeth are fine. I do not need to visit the dentist.
MYTH! No matter the condition of your mouth, visit your dentist at least 2x per year. Did you know 90% of dental problems occur without any symptoms? By visiting your dentist regularly, any issues can be found before they become serious.

My parents have great dental health, so I will too!
MYTH! This statement is somewhat true, but not completely. While genetics does help with good dental health, you must brush and floss daily to maintain good dental health. Visit your dentist regularly for good long-term dental health.

It is not important to take care of my child’s baby teeth. They will eventually fall out and be replaced by permanent teeth.
MYTH! Baby teeth can remain until 13 years of age. Neglecting the baby teeth will cause loss of the teeth before the proper time. This causes problems with a child’s bite, speech, and development of permanent teeth.

If my gums bleed, I should stop brushing my teeth.
MYTH! Your gums are bleeding for attention! The bleeding is caused by bacterial plaque and food debris not being removed. Thoroughly and gently brush and floss your gums 2x per day. Visit your dentist immediately if the bleeding continues after 4 to 5 days.

Bleaching ("whitening") my teeth will damage my enamel.
MYTH! Today’s bleaching materials, over-the-counter or from the dental office, will not damage your enamel. Keep in mind, teeth whitening products are not recommended for sensitive teeth, exposed roots, unfilled cavities, broken fillings, those under 21, and pregnant or nursing women. Consult with your dentist before beginning any whitening procedure.

Chewing a xylitol sugar-free gum after a meal is the same as brushing.
MYTH! Though chewing xylitol based gums has some dental health benefits, such as increasing saliva flow (which rids teeth of food debris and freshens breath), chewing gum is not a replacement for brushing and flossing your teeth.

Placing an aspirin tablet next to an aching tooth will relieve the pain.
MYTH! This home remedy will lead to a painful chemical burn without any relief to the aching tooth.

I am pregnant and should avoid all dental treatment.
MYTH! A healthy mouth and a healthy mother correlate with a healthy infant. While there are a few dental procedures to avoid during certain times of pregnancies, it is important to attend regular dentist visits and inform your dentist if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.


Brushing my teeth more than 1x per day harms my enamel.
MYTH! Most dentists recommend using a soft toothbrush to remove plaque 2x per day. It is best to brush and floss after every meal.

After a cavity is filled, I cannot get another cavity in that tooth.
MYTH! After a tooth has a cavity, it is more likely to get another. Have good oral hygiene to decrease the chance of another cavity.

If my wisdom teeth are not causing any problems, I should keep them.
MYTH! Studies show it is better to remove all wisdom teeth at an early age, even if they are not problematic. This helps avoid gum disease in these areas later in life.

Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Gum Disease Linked To Other Deadly Diseases?

Heart Disease

Heart disease is America’s leading cause of death, and it is linked to gum disease. But how? Gum disease is a bacterial infection that can affect conditions outside of the mouth. It begins when plaque builds up around our teeth. Bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and attach to heart blood vessel’s fatty deposits. The fatty deposits can cause blood clots, which may lead to heart attacks.

Inflammation is the common characteristic of heart disease and gum disease. Harm to the body can be minimized by stopping the infection of gums.

If you have heart disease, be sure to…

brush and floss daily for good oral hygiene

Visit your dentist regularly

Tell your dentist you have a heart problem

Follow your physician’s and dentist’s instructions, and use prescriptions as directed

The American Journal of Preventive Medicine claims that treating gum disease can lead to better overall health. The study researched health and dental records from about 339,000 people who had periodontal disease and a chronic illness. Those who had at least one periodontal disease treatment had lower medical costs and fewer hospitalizations within four years of treatment compared to those who were not treated.

Symptoms of gum disease
Continuous bad breath

Red or swollen gums

Tender or bleeding gums

Painful chewing

Loose teeth

Sensitive teeth

Receding gums or longer appearing teeth

How is periodontal (gum) disease treated?
There are several options for treating gum disease. You don’t have to lose teeth to periodontal disease if it is treated properly. The first step is having the plaque and tartar deposits removed by "scaling and root planing" by your dentist. This procedure heals the gum tissue and shrinks the periodontal pockets. Your dentist may recommend a medication to help control the pain and infection. If your dentist sees progress in healing from the "scaling and root planing" you most likely will not need further treatment, only preventive care. But if the periodontal pockets are deep and bone is lost, surgery may be needed to help prevent tooth loss.

Vanessa Felts, Dental Hygienist with Paducah Dental Care, suggests several ways to keep your teeth and gums healthy:

Brush your teeth twice a day (with a fluoride toothpaste).

Floss regularly to remove plaque from between teeth. Or use a device such as a special brush or wooden or plastic pick recommended by a dental professional.

Visit the dentist routinely for a check-up and professional cleaning.

Don’t smoke.

Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Dangers of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, is any condition is which your mouth is abnormally dry. It is usually caused by a decrease in saliva produced by the glands in your mouth, and is mostly commonly a side effect of medication.

Saliva is one of the most important protective mechanisms of the teeth. It assists food digestion, protects the body from microbes, balances the pH in the mouth, and supports the remineralization of teeth. Without saliva, teeth would dissolve. Denise Hunerkoch, Dental Hygienist, with Paducah Dental Care says, "20% to 40% of people are affected by dry mouth. In fact, dry mouth affects more women than men and is most common amongst older adults."

Causes of dry mouth include medication, aging, hereditary, poor diet, stress, cancer therapy, nerve damage, certain health conditions, tobacco use, and methamphetamine.

Dry mouth is a common problem that can be simply a nuisance by altering your appetite or enjoyment of food, or have a significant effect on your health and health of your teeth.

Symptoms of dry mouth
Dryness in mouth or throat

Thick and stringy saliva

Bad breath

Difficulty chewing, speaking and swallowing

Changed sense of taste

Problems wearing dentures

More frequent tooth decay

Irritation of gums and gum disease

Before seeing your dentist about dry mouth, make a list of the following information:

Any symptoms you have (include any that may seem unrelated to your teeth or mouth)

Personal information including major stressors or recent life changes

Prescribed medications including vitamins, supplements, over-the-counter medicines and their dosages

Questions to ask your doctor or dentist

During your visit, your dentist will likely examine your mouth and review your medical history and medications you are taking (including over-the-counter medicines). Your tests may take blood tests, imaging scans of your salivary glands or conduct a test to measure how much saliva you produce to identify the cause of your dry mouth. Examples of saliva test include the stimulated saliva test and the resting saliva flow test.

Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more! 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Slipping Dentures? Not With Dental Implants

Problems with dentures start with the pain that occurs from improper fit and function. This pain leads to a lack of self-confidence when doing day-to-day functions such as smiling, laughing and eating. Complete tooth loss is also a major health issue. It has the same characteristics as a chronic disease and has no cure. In the past, the only option for total tooth loss was dentures.

Dentures provide a level of function for total tooth loss, but also complications. Nearly half of all people with lower dentures are not pleased with the function or comfort. This is caused by the lower dentures accelerating the deterioration of tissues by pressing down and compacting them. Studies show bone loss in the lower jaw is nearly 4x greater than the bone loss in the upper jaw. As a result, dentures feel loose because of the bone deteriorating underneath them. The bone loss results in the loss of jaw height, leading to facial structures collapsing over time.

Problems with Dentures:
Bone loss in the mouth

Face droops and collapses over time as the bone deteriorates. This shifts muscles in the facial structure.

Dentures must be thickened, or relined, to fit the changes in the mouth due to bone loss

Bad breath from the bacterial odors on the dentures.

Messy adhesives are often used to hold dentures in place. Some adhesives contain zinc which can cause neurological problems if used over a long period.

Day-to-day activities such as smiling, laughing and eating become difficult and lead to a lack in self-confidence.

Visible aging process is accelerated. The "witch’s beak" appearance alters the mouth’s appearance as the jaws deteriorate, causing the chin to jut out and up appearing too close to the nose.

Wrinkles around the mouth are increased

Pain and sore spots on gums are caused by dentures rubbing on soft tissues.

Difficulty chewing leads to nutritional and digestive problems due to the inability to fully chew and digest certain foods (such as fresh fruits and vegetables).

The Alternative: Dental Implants
Eliminate the problems of complete tooth loss with dental implants. Dentures can be stabilized and many problems can be reduced. The treatment of choice for many patients with loss of bone and lip support is a denture that fits over the dental implants.

Dr. Walden, Paducah Dental Care, lists several benefits of dental implants for stabilizing dentures:

Prevention of further bone resorption (deterioration) caused by complete tooth loss and wearing dentures.

Stabilize and improve the function of dentures with improved comfort and confidence.

Improved facial appearance including restoring lost lips and minimizing wrinkles.

Increased biting and chewing abilities allow patients to eat what they want again.

If you would like to learn more we will be offering a FREE Dental Implant Seminar Tuesday, June 13th at 5:30 pm. Seating is limited so call our office to reserve your spot, 270-444-6414.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Missing Teeth? Why Dental Implants Should Be Your First Choice.

Do you have missing teeth or wear dentures? Dental implants may be the best option for you.

Dental implants are a long-term, popular and efficient option for restoring your smile. "The development of dental implants is one of the biggest advances I have seen in my dental career," says Dr. William Walden. Implants are changing people’s lives! They are made from safe and compatible materials for the human body, and the procedure is essentially pain free.

Why You Should Choose Dental Implants

Bone Preserved
When a tooth is lost, the bone that supported the tooth deteriorates. Dental implants provide the same function as natural tooth roots and stimulate the bone. This preserves the bone from melting away and provides a stable foundation for replacement teeth that look, feel and function like natural teeth.

No Harm to Surrounding Teeth
The surrounding teeth are affected when a tooth is lost or removed. The adjacent teeth will move into the space left by the lost tooth. This creates many problems with the gums and how the teeth fit together and function. Dental implants serve as substitute tooth roots, so none of the surrounding teeth are affected. Other methods of tooth replacement require cutting down the adjacent teeth for a bridge or hooking a partial denture onto other teeth, risking the long-term health of those teeth.


Long-Term Success
The best thing about dental implants is that they are designed to last a lifetime. Other options, such as bridges and partials can possibly fail over time. The American Dental Association states the lifespan of a bridge is 10.1 years due to the teeth under the bridge being more likely to decay or fracture. Partial dentures normally last between 3 and 5 years but also need to be relined (made thicker) as the bone underneath the dentures deteriorate.


More Cost Effective
Because of their high success rate and documented success, dental implants are the most cost-effective option. Alternatively, bridges do not last as long and need repairs and alterations over time. If a tooth is lost, it needs to be replaced by either a tooth-supported bridge or an implant-supported crown. Studies show that bridges last approximately 10.1 years, while implants are documented to be more than 95% successful and last 20+ years.


The Process

The Procedure: The implant is placed into the jawbone.


The Healing Process: The healing process is called osseointegration. It means "combines with the bone" and takes time. During this process, the bone around the implant heals. The bone grows around the implant, holding it in place. This is how the implant is so strong and sturdy. Some patients can have a replacement tooth attached to an implant during one visit, while others must wait up to several months before a replacement tooth can be placed.


The Artificial Tooth is Added: First, the dentist places an abutment, a cylinder made of titanium that connects the implant and artificial tooth. Then, the artificial tooth is placed. If a single tooth is implanted, your dentist will customize a dental crown, or new tooth, for you. With a custom size, shape, color and fit, the crown is designed to blend in with your natural teeth. If multiple teeth are implanted, customized bridges or dentures will be made to fit your mouth and your implants. (Replacement teeth usually take time to make. A temporary crown, bridge or denture may be provided by your dentist to help you function until your permanent replacement is ready.)

Then it’s time to celebrate your new smile!

Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more!