Thursday, May 28, 2015

Want to stop using tobacco?

Kentucky Resources

Telephone/ Text quit line

            Call for free one-on-one help from cessation specialist
            1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) 8am-1am, 7 days/ week
Callers can be directed to local services/classes. A special program is available for pregnant women.

On-Line Help 



            Plan to Be Tobacco Free- a new class, lasting up to one hour at no charge in Kentucky by Kentucky Cancer Program. Visit
           Cooper Clayton Method to Stop Smoking- Kentucky Cancer Program, local health departments and community organizations offer classes across the state. Includes 13 one-hour weekly sessions and nicotine replacement. Visit for a listing of classes in your area.

Health Care providers

            Ask your doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or other health care provider for assistance. They can provide counseling, referrals, and recommend medications that are right for you.


            Medications can help reduce the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and make smoking cessation easier. The primary medications are over-the-counter nicotine replacement products and prescription drugs. Research shows that a combination of counseling with medications produces higher quit rates.

Cost coverage

            Quit Now Kentucky and Copper Clayton Classes
            Health insurance- contact to see if coverage is available for counseling or medication
            Partnership for Prescription Assistance- call 1-888-4PPA-NOW