Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Do You Think Cavities Are Just a Part of Life?

Dr. Matthew Mangino
             While brushing, flossing, and regular check-ups with your dentist are essential to maintaining healthy teeth and gums; there are other factors that you may not be aware of which also affect your oral health. One factor in particular is high levels of infectious bacteria is in your saliva and plaque.

           Saliva and plaque are everywhere in your mouth. With poor oral hygiene, infectious bacteria in your mouth can rise to high levels and cause dental cavities on the teeth to grow at a more rapid rate. This in turn can cause one’s mouth to become a “danger zone” quickly.

            People wonder, how does my mouth reach an unsafe level? Many of the risk factors are obvious: plaque, dry mouth, dental appliances, medications, and soda consumption.

           There is good news; at Paducah DentalCare we offer a simple evaluation to measure the presence of a dental cavity environment through a simple sample of your plaque and saliva. This test will allow us to measure the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy molecule found in all animals, plants, bacteria, yeast, and mold. ATP measurements have a strong statistical association with the bacteria number in you plaque and saliva. The higher the reading of ATP, the higher your risk is for tooth decay.

This simple one-minute test is done in our office to check your risk for infectious bacteria. If one is at a high risk we have prescription toothpaste and mouth rinses that will begin to help neutralize the saliva and bring the mouth to a “healthy zone”. Some ways to maintain and avoid high levels of this infectious saliva are to maintain good oral hygiene habits at home, consume less soda, chew gums and mints with Xylitol in them, and last but not least maintain regular dental check-ups.

Visit Paducah Dental Care to learn more!

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